星期二, 10月 22, 2013

Book Review (in English) of "Secrets of the Hindu Shuffle by Lance Caffrey"

The book “Secrets of the Hindu Shuffle”, which has been released for pre-order in October 2013, is now available to the public. By representing the missing piece that fill out the mystery gap between the Eastern and Western hustling history, what makes it so admirable for everyone to pay attention? Is it seriously a tool that can expand your own library, or is it only a hypo? Today, I am going to provide an –in-depth review of this publication.

Book Design

The book is made in hardcover, therefore there is a guarantee of maintaining the book’s quality. The design of the book’s cover really contains the mysterious style, and the golden words really show up for this limited publication.

The book is actually easy to be carried around and it is not heavy at all. The height of the book is 21.7cm (around 8.54 inches); the width is 15.5cm (around 6.1 inches); the thickness is 1.3 cm (around 0.51 inches). Comparing with the popular items like iPad mini, iPad and iPad 2, it is smaller than iPad and iPad 2 while it is a little bit thicker than iPad and larger than iPad mini. Based on the facts, it is definitely not a problem whenever you want to carry it with you.

Index and Content 
There are 108 pages, and all of the significant pictures are in full colour; since it is the first book in his life, Lance does consider carefully supervising the whole process of printing the book. Among the 108 pages, there are actually 4 blank pages; they are great areas for readers to make their notes without having a separate notebook (location: pg 33, 51, 63, 101). Although I believe that it is better for Lance to input some photos of himself practicing the hindu shuffles/stacking in these pages, providing some places do give some advantages for those people who really study this book seriously by making their own notes.

If you pay attention of the pictures in the book, it is not difficult to observe how these pictures are tend to be favor in Eastern Culture.

Since it is a limited production, readers are able to find what # their copies are around the index page; I am lucky enough to get #250/250 while I was making my order through Lance. The reason why I choose the #250/250 because I am a big fan of Pokemon, and I am in love with complete set of numbers (if you love Pokemon, you should feel me for real)

One of the most significant facts of this book is that the forward is written by Steve Forte, who is the best and the most knowledgeable hustler and gambling protection expert in the world. For those of you who study cards seriously, either in hustling or in card magic, nobody will not unfamiliar with Steve’s fame; no matter how well “someone” is being package as an gambling expert, none of them can compare with Steve. In the forward, Steve did actually mention that Lance is now one of the rising Asian Hustling Expert; if Steve says so, then there is no doubt of Lance’s knowledge and skills.

The book is mainly divided into 11 parts:
  • History
  • The grip
  • The shuffle
  • Practice drills and common problems
  • Peeks and Flashes
  • Breaks and Jogs
  • Controls
  • False Shuffle
  • Stacking
  • Culling
  • Palming

History: Total 1 page, the content is simple yet hit the main points; it includes some reference to help people for further studies. This part contains how asian community made up the names of hindu shuffle in the past, and this is actually good for beginners to improve their knowledge.

The grip: Total 10 pages, this section provide 5 different ways to start the hindu shuffle; I personally find that some of them I never saw or heard before. The last page even provides how the receiving hand should position itself.

The shuffle: Total 5 pages, this part includes some of the most common ways to shuffle. Furthermore, I find that it includes some philosophy and psychology that you need to actually involve in the real games to earn these theories. Personally, I believe these pages are good enough for the price of the book. (If I were the author, I would just take away this part and sell it separately in my future lectures/workshops)

Practice drills and common problems: Total 4 pages, the drills have 3 different sets for readers to practice at home. There are 3 common problems listed here, and Lance has provided the solutions for each of them. Very practical.

Peeks and Flashes: Total 9 pages, and there are 5 types; if you do practice correctly, people should not notice your peeks at all.

Breaks and Jobs: Total 9 pages, and there are 6 types; this section seriously needs to practice in order to develop the flow and smoothness.

Controls: Total 4 pages, and it divides into 2 big sections; this is one of the most important part of the book.

False shuffle: Total 6 pages, including 4 ways to achieve. Practical materials for card magic and hustling.

Stacking: Total 16 pages, and there are 9 ways to do the stacking. The “core” of the whole book.

Culling: Total 1 page, and this is not provided by any hustler at all.

Palming: Total 2 pages, and there are 4 methods. Both magicians and cardicians should love this part very much.

Areas to improve
  • -          Due to the structure of how the book is designed, it cannot 100% maintain flat on table to read UNLESS you put some stuff on it (e.g. lots of decks)
  • -          Too much empty space, Lance should input more pictures to make the book looks more interesting.

Like what Mr. Steve Forte wrote in the forward, this book is seriously “an important and long-overdue contribution to the body of knowledge we call [[gambling sleight of hand]]”. Making a limited production of this book is a smart decision, and the reason why I say this is because there are too many published materials that are not “practical” at all; among the 108 pages, I can totally feel how much efforts Lance has input into this book. Up upon this moment, I cannot wait for the next publication from Lance.

For those of you who still have not purchased your copy, I hope that my review will be able to help you understand this book a little bit more. I wish to share all I have learned from the book, however this will not fair to those people who have purchased this book as well. 

星期四, 10月 17, 2013

Secrets of the Hindu Shuffle by Lance Caffrey 開箱文駕到!!!

2013 10 月正式出版的賭術新書 “Secrets of the Hindu Shuffle” (中文書名:未名明,小弟歡迎閣下投稿) 終於現世。這本被稱為填補了中西賭術界歷史之間的空白,究竟有甚麼值得世人向其作者學習呢?它是世間上的一把利器,還是名不符實的意念工具?小弟正式為坐在電腦面前的你,解開心中的疑團和迷思。

這本書選用 hardcover設計,在耐用性上有一定的持久保證。書面設計具有強烈隱世典籍的味道,而hardcover 上的盪金字更特顯了限量印刷的特質。

至於這本教材的體積,其實是十分輕朽和易於隨身攜帶。書長約 21.7厘米 (8.54) ;闊約 15.5厘米 (6.1) ;厚約 1.3 厘米 (0.51 ) 。相對於現時流行的 iPad miniiPad with Retina Display iPad 2 之下,它雖然比起這比 iPad 厚,但它只是大過 iPad min 、卻小面積過 iPad with Retina Display iPad 2。由比可見,魔友們要帶它出外是沒有甚麼大問題的。

全本書共有108頁,而所有精要圖片均以彩色印刷;對於Lance 人生第一本出版書來說,這是考慮得相當仔細。全書108頁裡,有四頁是全空白的;對於那些不想在另外一本筆記本作籤記的朋友,你們可以好好利用這幾頁啊 (位置:p.g. 33, 51, 63, 101) 。雖然小弟個人覺得,在這幾頁加插一些 Lance 他自己在練習這招時的相片會比較有趣;然而這是一本屬於 實戰類教材,留下一些位置給讀者做筆記更佳。


由於這本書是限量出版,所以讀者可以在目錄附近找到相應的注冊號;而小弟有幸跟 Lance 本人拿到 #250/250。基本原因是。。。。。因為小弟我是 Pokemon 的粉絲,所以對已完成的號數情有獨中~* ( Pokemon粉絲的魔友應該感同身受吧 =P)


書中引言由世界首屈一指、國際著名千術大師 Steve Forte 親自為這本重要教材揭開序幕。Steve 在千術界甚至魔術界,都是一位無人不知、無人不曉的大人物;不論某位人仕如何被人包裝,論功力以及知識沒有人能夠跟 Steve 平起平坐。在這引言當中,Steve 更點名 Lance 為新掘起的亞洲千術專家;可想而知,這本教材在Steve 的心目中有何等地位。

  • 歷史由來
  • 握牌方式
  • 洗牌方式
  • 演練模式和常見問題
  • Peeks and Flashes
  • Breaks & Jogs
  • 控牌術
  • 假洗
  • 排牌術
  • Culling
  • 藏牌術

  1. 歷史由來: 共一頁,內容精簡而有力;內裡包括了一些書名給大家作參考之用。這還包括了民間對這本書所教的洗牌方式所創造的名字,對於新手來說絕對有利增進自己。
  2. 握牌方式: 其十頁,這個部份提供了5種方法去進行這種 後抽式洗牌這種技巧;小弟我發現有些握牌方式是從來自己沒有遇過的。最後一頁更提供了接牌的那隻手應如何作準備。
  3. 洗牌方式: 5頁,這裡包括了最常見的某幾種洗牌模式。此外,作者還包括了一些只有曾經實戰過的人才能明白的道理和心理;看了這幾頁已經是賺到了。(小弟覺得應把這些資料作將來研習會之用~*)
  4. 演練模式和常見問題: 4頁,演練模式共有3套給大家在家中練習。而常見問題則有3道題,每道題作者都給了個人建議,而且十分實用。
  5. Peeks and Flashes: 9頁,方法共有5種;如果正確練習起來,應該是不可能被人發現的。
  6. Breaks and Jogs: 9頁,方法有6種;此部份需要加強練習才能順暢起來。
  7. 控牌術: 4頁,共分兩大類。此部分屬全書的精要之一。
  8. 假洗: 6頁,包括了4種方法。實戰型技術之一。
  9. 排牌術: 16頁,一共9種方法。此部份屬精華所在。
  10. Culling: 共一頁,並且不是由老千所提供的。
  11. 藏牌術: 2頁,一共4種方法。魔術師和牌術師都會喜歡這個部份。

  • -          由於書本本身的設計,在閱讀的時候不能100% 平放在桌上觀看。讀者們可能要在書上面放上一些重物 (如大量撲克牌),這樣便能夠方便自己一邊練習、一邊研究。

  • -          空白的地方偏多,多放一兩張圖片比較好。(例如:美女洗牌示範 =P)


這絕對是牌術教材的一大偉大作品。限量出版是明智的選擇,事關市面上有太多令人 無言以對的出品;短短的108頁已經看得出作者的心思、心血和努力。寫到這裡,小弟我已經急不及待你下一個作品 --- 正所謂 千金難買心頭好~*
對於那些還沒有訂購這本書的朋友,希望這篇開箱文能夠幫你更加了解這本書的一切。小弟我很想在這裡跟你分享這本書所教的東西,但是這會對已購買的朋友們不公平 --- 對,這個世界上沒有 免費午餐啊。

星期三, 10月 16, 2013

星期二, 10月 15, 2013

賭術新書 "Secrets of the Hindu Shuffle" 開箱文正式倒數!!!

小弟 "終於" 收到了這本近期十分吸引的 "實戰型" 賭術教材;相比起其他地區,看來小弟接收得比較慢 (可能是因為加拿大人的做事方式比較屬於退休類型吧。。。。。)


星期四, 10月 10, 2013






比起那些甚麼 uncut sheet,小弟覺得這個有趣得多。

這個 "東西",設有燈光之餘還給我有一種像酒吧擺設的感覺。

如果我是做這個 project的 marketing manager,我就直搞向酒吧和餐廳做 promotion 算吧~*
然後幫他們的餐廳做客制牌、並加上那個機器設計跟這個東西 "互動",
小弟肯定會賣得一個更好的價錢呢 =P