魔幻四射,術法之爭 --- “魔法達人”
由加拿大A1中文電台 (http://www.ccue.com/a1_radio/web/) 主辦、多倫多華人魔術團
“Classic Force” 協辦之 “魔法達人”
強勢回歸。今次賽事於多倫多舉行,並破天荒將魔幻舞台定於Market Village 進行魔術競技比賽。本賽事將會是本地多倫多魔術愛好者與職業魔術師之間的生死搏鬥,以 “最強魔術師” 作名譽之戰。
一如以往,第三屆 “魔法達人” 將會雲集大多倫多地區內外所有魔術好手進行競技較量。能夠從初賽突圍而出之參賽者將會進身最後決賽,實行以個人實力競逐王者地位!!
想親身感受一下何為 “群魔大戰”
4月26日 (星期六)
比賽場地:Markham Village (位於
Steeles & Kennedy Rd.)
比賽資格:本賽事歡迎任何人仕參加 (不論任何年齡、國籍及性別)
如何參賽:本賽事以 YOUTUBE影片作第一輪初賽。由即日起直至今年3月22日,每位參賽者只需要提交一段約2分鐘 (最多五分鐘) 的YOUTUBE影片作為初賽輪選、並以電郵方式把影片寄到此電郵地址:starz@classicforce.com。(備注:影片後制是許可的;但是不能夠在魔術效果上作任何改動。兩分鐘是包括所有影片後制以及魔術效果。)
Hello to all Magic Lovers, the moment is finally
In the evening of April 26th , 2014, “[A1]
Chinese Radio” (http://www.ccue.com/a1_radio/web/) is giving out opportunities
to the magic lovers in Toronto! Bringing along with own incredible skills, the
candidates will enter into an exciting competition held on a magical platform
in Market Village.
Same as the previous years, this magic contest will gather all of
professionals and entertainers within the magic scope and the qualified
contestants will compete among themselves. After all, they are going to the
same stage to compete for the fame of Top Magician in Toronto. It is absolutely
an extraordinary experience to give yourself a chance to present your talent.
Date: April 26, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30pm
Contestant: All Ages, All Genders (The show will be hosted in Cantonese.
However, English and other language speakers are welcomed.)
Performance: Stage Magic or Close-Up Magic. For stage magic, it does not
have to be “big stage illusion; any magic that can be performed on stage is
fine, such as producing a rabbit from an empty hat etc.)
Venue: Market Village (Steeles & Kennedy)
Audition: We will start with YOUTUBE audition right away. From now till March 22nd,
all participants only need to submit a roughly 2-minute video to: starz@classicforce.com. All videos should be titled as “Best Magician Contest 2014 1st
Audition: XXXXXX (the title of your performance)”. (P.S. Video editing is
permitted; HOWEVER, no editing on the MAGIC PERFORMANCE. Two minutes are
including the effect AND all of the editing.)
· ·
By submitting your video before April 4th,
2014, the entry fee will be automatically waived. Any video(s) submitted after
March 29th, 2014, a $20 entry fee will be applied.
· · When submitting the video, please
provide us your name and contact, so we can contact you.
· · ONE
video entry per contestant.
Look forward meeting you guys, See you all at