Conjuring Credits。
在最初的時候,小弟只是從德國牌術大師 Denis Behr 的個人網站裡看到的。當是,我看到的就只有一個小小的框框正在倒數著。一如已往,小弟很努力的找尋一些蛛絲馬跡;但是,一點尾目都沒有。當時正在倒數的,還在十九個小時。
Denis Behr
Helder Guimaraes
Max Maven
Stephen Minch
Tyler Wilson
Steve Reynolds
"Conjuring Credits" Website Opens. It is a free website devoted to the history and origins of magical sleights, tricks and concepts.
In the mid 1980s, Stephen Minch and Max Maven began keeping a record of their research and that of others regarding the history of conjuring. Desiring to share this information with other researchers, writers and students of magic, they envisioned a free website that would make this possible. Robert Giobbi suggested that Denis Behr might be willing to create such a website.
Denis accepted the daunting task and took it further than Minch and Maven had envisioned, by installing valuable links to the Conjuring Arts Research Center's Ask Alexander database and Denis's own Conjuring Archive, making the website an exceptionally powerful research tool, one that provides not only a summary of the history of various tricks and sleights, but also makes many source documents available for verification and studies.
As the website was being developed, other experts were invited to participate and add information. These included William Kalush, Tyler Wilson, Aurelio Paviato, Roberto Giobbi and Dan Smith. The website currently presents an impressive wealth of information, and combined with Ask Alexander, the Conjuring Archive, offers the most powerful set of research tools yet devised for magicians. The Conjuring Credits board hopes that, with the help of magicians worldwide, the website will grow to become evern more helpful in discovering and making accessible the vast, complex and fascinating history of magic.
如果要小弟我給它一個稱號的話,我敢大膽說一句這個是魔術界的 “術式辭典” 。相比起以前,這個物體絕對是不可能於這個世上出現的
--- 因為是太寶貴了。