星期一, 4月 02, 2012

Academy of Magical Arts Awards 最新消息


·         Literary Fellowship: Roberto Giobbi

·         Performing Fellowship: Finn Jon

·         Creative Fellowship: Lubor Fiedler

·         Lifetime Achievement Fellowship: James Randi

·         Masters Fellowship: René Levand

·         2011 Magician of the Year: Lu Chen

**Awards of Merit were bestowed upon Ira Goldstein, the Skirball Cultural Center, and the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Junior Achievement Awards: “Tricky Devil,” Sean Trinh, and Krystyn Lambert.


·         Lecturer of the Year: Howard Hamburg

·         Parlour Magician of the Year: Helder Guimaraes

·         Close-Up Magician of the Year: Derek DelGuadio

·         Stage Magician of the Year: Rob Zabrecky

特別鳴謝:Max Maven, Mac King, 和整支製作團隊!!!


