星期一, 2月 27, 2012

Luke Dancy, Sean Fields and Eric Jones talk about "cardistry"

三位魔術師 --- Eric Jones, Luke Dancy Sean Fields 一同討論當今魔術界其中一個人氣熱潮題目: “CARDISTRY”

三位魔術師 --- Eric Jones, Luke Dancy Sean Fields 一同討論當今魔術界其中一個人氣熱潮題目: “CARDISTRY”
1.       Is Cardistry “Magic”?
2.       Does Cardistry/flourishing make a “disconnection” between the magician and the audience, since magic is about interaction with audience while cardistry is about “showing off”?
3.       Are new generation magicians trying to hide/avoid the classic magic because they are not visual enough? What’s the direction of new magic going?
4.       Magic on youtube --- what are the good side and the bad side in this area?

