數星期前的一個產品報導,把 WPR 推到永不番身之境地。
話說在本年1月25號,WPR把 Jeff McBride一個最新dvd進行介紹。然而,主持人 David Penn現場指破 Jeff McBride 大師偷了 Wayne Dobson的程序據為己有、並當自己的創作進行鎖售!!!
當中的指控十分嚴重,因為這是完全關於 Jeff McBride 大師在魔術界的地位!!!
以下是 Wayne Dobson他本人在網絡上寫的詳細經過:
Wayne Dobson - A Statement about David Penn's actions
It is now Friday evening on the 3 rd February 2012 and I find myself writing one of the hardest notes of my life. I need to break everything down into a timeline of events, so that you, the reader can make sense of what has happened.
Last week (Tuesday 24 th January) I was contacted by David Penn regarding a review he was about to do for his Wizard Product Review that week. He informed me that Jeff Mc Bride had stolen my act and put the entire routine onto a DVD that he was marketing. I voiced my dismay and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. No, it was true and they were going to expose the fact on the following days Wizard Product Review, David Penn told me.
The following day (Wednesday 25 th January), I watched in horror as David Penn and Craig Petty tore Jeff to pieces in front of their audience of thousands. Watching them made me feel extremely uncomfortable and sorry for Jeff Mc Bride. That night, one of my best friends, Russ Stevens, contacted Jeff and suggested that he and I should talk. I’ve known Jeff for so many years and once we started to communicate via Skype I knew that we’d be able to sort the issues out that I had (Remember I had yet to see Jeff’s routine).
During the following two days (26 th -27 th January) we went back and forth as my concern was for Russ Merlin in Vegas who had purchased the rights to the routine from me. Jeff contacted Russ Merlin and all was well with him and I told Jeff he could feature his routine during his lectures at magic conventions worldwide if he liked. Throughout this period David Penn had been calling and emailing still making a song and dance about Jeff’s ‘theft’ of my routine.
Then on the Saturday (29th January) things changed. Throughout the entire process David Penn had insisted Jeff was a thief and I stupidly took his word for it. He’d told me the routines were the same and that Jeff hadn’t even credited me. This was untrue on both counts as I was about to find out. It was that morning that Jeff emailed me the link to his footage that was on Youtube. I clicked on the link and sat in disbelief as I watched Jeff’s routine, it was nothing like mine and I was shocked as to why David Penn had said it was. I called David Penn and asked him to take the Wizard Product Review down on that basis and that basis alone. It had nothing to do with the fact that the matter had been settled as portrayed by David Penn.
The following few days were spent talking to Jeff and smoothing things over and I’m so happy that we are still such good friends. Jeff was understandably upset to be called a thief in public and I was angry about the way David Penn had sensationalised the facts to make an interesting piece for his show.
On Tuesday the 31 st January things moved into a whole new direction however and the day ended with a revelation that shocked me beyond words. David Penn now wanted me to make a statement on Magiccafe to let readers know what a great help David had played in the resolution of the situation. This was not true, I had Russ Stevens and Jeff Mc Bride to thank for that.
David Penn had asked me to write the message and then to send it to him for his approval. My email to David Penn even started with “ let me know how you would like this, editing” . David Penn then chose to edit out some of what I had written, to make things sound even better than they already were for him. The revised draft was then sent back to me ready to post. At this point I said I wasn’t happy with what David Penn had changed and told him that I’d have to run it past my friends. David Penn was not happy and that is when things reached an all time low. He told me that he, David Penn, had recorded all our telephone conversations without my knowledge from the beginning and if necessary would use them. I couldn’t believe it. At that point I felt coerced, threatened and bullied to the point that I would do and say anything David Penn told me to.
Thankfully I posted the response to my friend Russ Stevens who couldn’t believe what I’d written. He knew that it contradicted my actual feelings and events between Jeff and myself and asked me what had happened? Fortunately I found the courage to tell Russ what had happened and it was at that point that for me ‘The Worm Turned’. I realised that I must stand up to David Penn’s bullying tactics and so I revised the draft myself which Russ typed out for me (as I can’t type myself). Finally the truth would be known and I didn’t care what David Penn said or did to me. It gave me an overwhelming sense of freedom and relief.
I then received my last email from David Penn that night in which he expressed his disappointment to what I’d posted on Magiccafe. He’d prove that he had all the facts and timelines. The point he’s missing is that up until that Saturday morning, I didn’t have the actual facts until I saw the performance footage of Jeff’s. Any interactions I’d had with David Penn meant nothing, as I was not being told the truth about the situation. It was just David Penn’s version, which was incorrect and sensationalist.
Last night in a thread on Magiccafe, a person, Merc Man (Barry Allen), announced he had seen and heard my emails and secretly recorded conversations. I don’t know if this was true, but he certainly had someone feeding the information to him.
It makes me feel ill to imagine someone secretly recording my private telephone conversations, then spreading them around. To have it done by a fellow magician hurts even more. In all of this, I was the innocent party, but at the end of it I’ve had to come here and defend myself like this and that can’t be right.
I think David Penn should be ashamed and I hope that our community takes the correct action to show that this type of behaviour is unacceptable. I hope the magiccafe and its members show their displeasure in ways that will make him realise that intimidation, coercion and bullying are not acceptable in our world.
內容大概是 (如有translate得不對,敬請原諒):
David Penn “告訴” Wayne Dobson 他的創作被 Jeff McBride 偷了、並且當作個人作品去賣。Wayne十分意外、並且不敢相信。David Penn說他會在下一個 WPR 裡把他的行為公諸於世。
當報導出來以後,Wayne覺得很難過:他跟Jeff 已經是多年來的好朋友。當天晚上,Wayne 的一位好友 Russ Stevens 跟 Wayne 電聯:Jeff 想跟 Wayne好好的談一下。在電聯當中,他們已經把事件大概的處理好。
電聯之後的一天,Russ Stevens 已經跟 Wayne買了他那個程序的版權,並且Jeff 可以在他以後的表演跟研習會都可以用。在同一時間,David Penn 繼續將 “Jeff McBride是小偷” 一事傳出去。
兩天後,整件事情完全有180度改變。在之前,Wayne是基於 David Penn跟他說Jeff 賣的程序是跟他的完全一模一樣。可是當天早上,Jeff McBride跟Wayne發了一個電郵,內容是他在賣的那個程序的一段youtube影片。Wayne看過才發現Jeff 所銷售的根本跟自己原來的程序不同。他完全呆了,並且立刻叫David Penn 把當天那個WPR的影片刪掉。
接下來的就更不可思議:David Penn 要Wayne 在 TMC裡寫一段聲明,說David Penn他如何把事情處理好。當然,Wayne不願意 ---- 因為這不是事實。那時候,David Penn說 Wayne 必需要這樣做 ---- 因為David 他自己已經把他跟Wayne 的電話內容在Wayne 毫不知情之下錄起來!Wayne 覺得他被人要脅了。而是事實,David Penn 這樣做已經不是第一次了。
在好友 Russ Stevens的提意下,Wayne最終決定把事實的真相完整的寫出來。
之後,David Penn跟 Wayne發了最後一個電郵。他說他對Wayne很失望;同時,他說Wayne這些的動作並沒有意義 ---- David Penn 有了他跟Wayne的電聯對話,Wayne的說法不會有說服力。
在最後,Wayne覺得David Penn 的行為很不恥。他希望魔術界應該對這種偷錄電話內容而沒有經過他人同意的做法絕不能接受。這樣的 bullying 在我們的社區更加不能接受。
附加消息:David Penn在黑池 2012 (Blackpool 2012) 將不會出席。
當事件發生之後,兩位主持人在社交網站 facebook的個人帳號作出相應的道歉聲明:
“A public apology to Wayne Dobson and Jeff McBride
When Craig and I first aired our opinion on ‘The Squeak Technique’ DVD which was webcast as part of The Wizard Product Review we genuinely believed that we were standing up for Wayne Dobson’s performance rights.
I am very pleased that Wayne Dobson and Jeff McBride have acknowledged that there are no issues regarding rights on the DVD. I wish to apologise unreservedly to Wayne and Jeff for the review and hope that they will accept that I did not intend any malice at any time.
I am deeply sorry that Wayne feels that he was bullied. This was certainly not my intention and I would never condone bullying in any form and I would also like to offer my unreserved apology that Wayne feels this way.
My personal involvement in the Wizard Product Review has come to end in light of recent events.
I sincerely hope that Wayne and Jeff will accept my apology.
David Penn”
When Craig and I first aired our opinion on ‘The Squeak Technique’ DVD which was webcast as part of The Wizard Product Review we genuinely believed that we were standing up for Wayne Dobson’s performance rights.
I am very pleased that Wayne Dobson and Jeff McBride have acknowledged that there are no issues regarding rights on the DVD. I wish to apologise unreservedly to Wayne and Jeff for the review and hope that they will accept that I did not intend any malice at any time.
I am deeply sorry that Wayne feels that he was bullied. This was certainly not my intention and I would never condone bullying in any form and I would also like to offer my unreserved apology that Wayne feels this way.
My personal involvement in the Wizard Product Review has come to end in light of recent events.
I sincerely hope that Wayne and Jeff will accept my apology.
David Penn”
“Craig Petty
A Public Apology
I would like to offer a heartfelt apology to Jeff McBride. I have always been and remain a fan of Jeff’s work. I genuinely believed that I was protecting a fellow magician’s performance rights. In light of recent developments I understand that Wayne does not consider that his performance rights have been in any way infringed. I am truly sorry that I did not speak to Jeff before the review on Wizard Product Review.
I would also like to apologise to Wayne Dobson. Wayne has been a hero of mine for years. I have been made aware that Wayne has felt stressed by the whole situation and I am truly sorry for that. I hope that this apology goes some way to reassuring Wayne that I did not intend that to happen.
Finally I want to apologise to the viewers of the Wizard Product Review. I started the show almost 2 years ago now as I genuinely thought there is a need for a review show that tells the truth about magic products in an entertaining way. Every week I tried to tell you exactly how I feel about what is good and not good in the magic world. I feel that recently I have let you down. All I can do is say sorry that I disappointed you and I hope that over the last two years you have had some enjoyment from what I have offered you.
I am going to take a break from WPR for the time being to reflect on recent events.
Craig Petty”
A Public Apology
I would like to offer a heartfelt apology to Jeff McBride. I have always been and remain a fan of Jeff’s work. I genuinely believed that I was protecting a fellow magician’s performance rights. In light of recent developments I understand that Wayne does not consider that his performance rights have been in any way infringed. I am truly sorry that I did not speak to Jeff before the review on Wizard Product Review.
I would also like to apologise to Wayne Dobson. Wayne has been a hero of mine for years. I have been made aware that Wayne has felt stressed by the whole situation and I am truly sorry for that. I hope that this apology goes some way to reassuring Wayne that I did not intend that to happen.
Finally I want to apologise to the viewers of the Wizard Product Review. I started the show almost 2 years ago now as I genuinely thought there is a need for a review show that tells the truth about magic products in an entertaining way. Every week I tried to tell you exactly how I feel about what is good and not good in the magic world. I feel that recently I have let you down. All I can do is say sorry that I disappointed you and I hope that over the last two years you have had some enjoyment from what I have offered you.
I am going to take a break from WPR for the time being to reflect on recent events.
Craig Petty”
當道歉聲明出現之後,Wayne + Jeff亦有回應:
“We have read both David Penn and Craig Petty’s ‘apologies’ and sadly see that each has chosen to carefully avoid the one situation that made this so serious and morally contemptible. The secret telephone recordings made by David Penn, without Wayne Dobson’s knowledge.
We now know that this is not the first time that David Penn has employed such tactics, as others have come forward and confirmed. That is reprehensible, but to then actually play them to third parties is beyond the pale, as well as being illegal. We also confirm that others have now come forward and told us of similar intimidation and bullying techniques. Wayne’s was not an isolated incident.
We would suggest that avoidance of a mention to this in their apologies shows that they are not heartfelt, but rather a cynical attempt to gain some sympathy.
On the forums at least, this whole sad story is over but we fear that David Penn and Craig Petty’s names and reputations in our fraternity will forever be tarnished by their actions (or lack of).
Wayne Dobson & Jeff Mc Bride – 7th February 2012”
We now know that this is not the first time that David Penn has employed such tactics, as others have come forward and confirmed. That is reprehensible, but to then actually play them to third parties is beyond the pale, as well as being illegal. We also confirm that others have now come forward and told us of similar intimidation and bullying techniques. Wayne’s was not an isolated incident.
We would suggest that avoidance of a mention to this in their apologies shows that they are not heartfelt, but rather a cynical attempt to gain some sympathy.
On the forums at least, this whole sad story is over but we fear that David Penn and Craig Petty’s names and reputations in our fraternity will forever be tarnished by their actions (or lack of).
Wayne Dobson & Jeff Mc Bride – 7th February 2012”
每一個人都要為自己所做的事去承擔責任。事件中始作俑者的行為更加令人覺得可恥、絕不能接受。很多人都會為了自己想要的東西而不惜任何代價;但是,犯法的行為是絕不能接受。現在,兩位主持人已經親手把自己的前程 “變走了” ;但是,還有一些東西是帶不走的:他們的污點和所犯的事。如果事實是經過證明的話,David Penn偷錄他人對話的事件將會有機會令他收律師信。這樣一來,各位親愛的觀眾將會有一段時間會看不到他的身影呢~*