星期三, 11月 28, 2012

突發新聞 --- 美國著名魔術師 Wayne Houchin 受傷送院!!!!!!

於一個小時之前,Wayne Houchin 團隊於社交網 Facebook 上公告,Wayne在多米尼加共和國的一個電視節目上突然被火燒傷;而疑犯懷疑是該電視節目的主持人。

整件事情的歷過還沒有進一步的資料,但可以確認的是 Wayne 的頭部、面部、頸部以及右手都被火燒傷。目前Wayne 他本人正在留院就醫。


“A statement from Wayne:

 Monday while appearing on a TV show in the Dominican Republic, the TV host took a handful of Aqua De Florida, ignited it and intentionally dropped it on my head, setting me on fire.

I was not aware he was going to do this. This was not a stunt or part of an act - this was a criminal attack.

The fast actions of the rest of our Curiosidades team saved my life. The fire was put out and I was rushed to the emergency room. I have bad burns on my head, face, neck and right hand.

I am in pain, but am recovering. I will update you on the situation when I can.”

至於事件是意外還是有預謀,暫時尚未清楚。從Wayne 他本人的訊息之中,可以知道的是當時Wayne 他本人是在沒有任何準備、沒有事前通知之下被人放火燒傷。在此,小弟希望Wayne 早日康復!!! (小弟有幸跟他做朋友,他是其中一位已經成為大師、但是完全沒有架子的人;小弟絕對不能相信有人會對他這麼好心的人下手.................)
