不經不覺, “魔法達人
2013” 正式開始進入倒數階段;今年參賽者之人數絕對與上一屆有過之而無不及,而且各個參賽者之實力亦相當深不可測。相信在第一關面試時,絕對會鬥得難分難解!!各位在多倫多地區的朋友,今年你們將會大飽眼褔呢。
“Best Magician Contest 2013” is now starting to count down
for the final. This year, we have a huge amount of applicants who want to
compete in the contest; most of them have unbelievable skills and experiences,
therefore it will be one crazy and entertaining competition that will be as
amazing as “Best Magician Contest 2012”!!! You surly do not miss out the
competition this year.
While all applicants are preparing for the audition, let me
start introducing the first judge of the competition this year.
Lee Asher
Lee Asher為世界現代著名近景魔術大師之一。擁有超過20年魔術經驗的他,功力之深厚在魔術界內傳得街知行聞。Asher在15、16歲時便連續兩屆勇奪 IBM Convention的近景魔術比賽冠軍;他本人的獨門秘術更曾經一度被魔術界選為 “十大最不可思議招式” 之一。在魔術界裡,他的個人教材絕對是新一代魔術師必修課程之一;並且他不時越洋到亞洲地區為未來魔術新秀提供研習講座,如香港、日本、中國、馬來西亞、新加波以及台灣等等。Asher更是 “X-elent Lecture
Series” 創始人,並引進世果各國著名職業魔術師在Pacific
Northwest 和
Western Canada進行專業研習會。近幾年來,他本人亦開始到訪世界各地進行表演以及電視專訪;他的足跡已經遍佈於世界上每一個角落。
Lee Asher is one of most popular close up magicians in the
world. Over 20 years of experience in magic, his reputation and achievement are
both successfully well-known within magic society. Asher has gained his
champion in IBM Convention Close up Competition when he was 15 and 16 years
old. His signature piece has been chosen as one of “The Ten Most Impossible
Trick”. For magicians, his published materials are part of the essentials; at
the same time, he always travels to Asia and starts magic lectures for foreign
magicians, such as Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan etc.
Furthermore, Asher is the organizer of “X-elent Lecture Series” that he brings
professional magicians to the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada for
lecturing. Recently, he starts to travels all over the world for professional
performances and also TV interviews. His magic can be found easily in many
countries around the world.
Lee Asher這位魔術大師陌生吧!!至於下一位的評審是誰?記住要密留意小弟的
I will continue to announce the next judge in the next post. Remember to keep track of my updates!!
I will continue to announce the next judge in the next post. Remember to keep track of my updates!!