星期五, 4月 05, 2013

“魔法達人角力賽 2013” Best Magician Contest 2013比賽評審 (二) Judge #2

相信大家看過第一位評審的介紹後,你們已經慢慢地開始進入了 魔法達人角力賽 2013” 的濃厚氣氛了!!!一如以往,大會的所有評審都具有實力保證,為了是令大家加深明白到魔術界的比賽是怎樣的一回事。



The following is the description of our second judge in “Best Magician Contest 2013”:

Magic Jim Tam (a.k.a Magic Jim)

Jim Tam 譚孝謙 (a.k.a Magic Jim) 為多倫多本地十大著名最具娛樂性的魔術師之一。從小便熱愛魔術、到後來成為真正的魔術師,Magic Jim多年來為多倫多不同大型機構進行商業表演,更不時為本地華人中文電台以及電視台在大型慶祝節目裡擔任壓軸表演嘉賓。近幾年來,Magic Jim 不斷為多間慈善機構在本地以及海外作義務表演,如美國、法國、中國、古巴、日本以及台灣等等。除此之外,Magic Jim 多次被邀請為香港紅星設計舞台魔術表演,如香港年輕模特兒周秀娜小姐;亦先後在不同青年新秀選拔賽和選美大賽之中為參賽者之才藝表演作魔術顧問。與此同時,Magic Jim 努力不懈地找尋和訓練魔術新星,務求將華人魔術圈在北美地區發陽光大。他先後創立兩隊華人魔術團 --- “Xtreme Illusion” 以及現在的 “Classic Force” ,並史無前例地開拓北美華人魔術研習會市場。Magic Jim亦是多倫多華人社區首個公開魔術比賽魔法達人角力賽 2012” 之舉辦人之一。

Jim Tam is one of the most famous entertaining magicians in Toronto. Since the age of 7, he started to have strong interests on magic. After he has become a magician, he has performed for many big corporations, and also the Chinese Radio and Television during the important festivals, such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas etc. In the past years, Jim has been cooperating with many charity organizations in different countries, such as the U.S.A., France, China, Cuba, Japan and Taiwan etc. Moreover, Jim has been invited to design stage magic performances for many Asian celebrities, such as the famous young model Christy Chow. He has also taken the role of magic consultant for competitors during the local talent shows and beauty pageants. At the same time, Jim has spent his efforts in training new generation magicians, for popularizing the Chinese magic society in North American, for example, he has organized two Chinese magician team ---- “Xtreme Illusion” and the current “Classic Force”.  In order to allow more people to understand magic, Jim took one step forward and became one of the organizers of this competition “Best Magician Contest 2012” in Toronto area.

Magic Jim Tam (a.k.a. Magic Jim) 在這幾年的成就,絕對是人所共知的。如此星級的魔術師,你們又怎麼可以不在四月十三號晚上於 Market Village城市廣場跟他見面呢?


Please keep track of the blog for the 3rd judge of “Best Magician Contest 2013”!!!
